Kamis, 10 Januari 2013


My makeup motto is "creating a look which suits your personality"
every girl deserve to feel beautiful,
and i'm here to help you to make the best look for you which suits you personality and style.
and here are some of my makeup service

  • Party makeup for special event such as Prom night, Clubbing, Birthday Party etc
  • Special effect makeup (fake scars, older-looks, zombie etc) for photography, costume and halloween party etc
  • Formal makeup Graduation, wedding, etc.
  • Fantasy and fashion makeup (Themed makeup such as black swan, barbie doll, gothic etc) for photography, modelling, etc.
And many others!

Available: Self-Makeup course!
1.)Base and foundation(Memilih warna foundation dan bedak yang tepat, dan tehnik pemakaian foundation dan bedak)
2.)Contour/shading (tehnik shading untuk menyamarkan bagian-bagian wajah tertentu seperti membuat muka lebih tirus dll)
3.)Day and night look(tehnik pemakaian eyeshadow untuk riasan pada malam hari dan juga siang agar terlihat natural)
4.)Fake lashes(cara pemakaian bulu mata palsu)
5.)Larger eyes(cara membuat mata sipit agar terlihat lebih besar dengan/tanpa menggunakan scotch mata)
Duration: 2-3 hours
Available for home service:Only for jakarta and tangerang!
Makeup supplied by me :-)

For information please contact me at:
PIN: 23027777
Phone: 081280275032

Amelia Latief

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