Kamis, 10 Januari 2013


My makeup motto is "creating a look which suits your personality"
every girl deserve to feel beautiful,
and i'm here to help you to make the best look for you which suits you personality and style.
and here are some of my makeup service

  • Party makeup for special event such as Prom night, Clubbing, Birthday Party etc
  • Special effect makeup (fake scars, older-looks, zombie etc) for photography, costume and halloween party etc
  • Formal makeup Graduation, wedding, etc.
  • Fantasy and fashion makeup (Themed makeup such as black swan, barbie doll, gothic etc) for photography, modelling, etc.
And many others!

Available: Self-Makeup course!
1.)Base and foundation(Memilih warna foundation dan bedak yang tepat, dan tehnik pemakaian foundation dan bedak)
2.)Contour/shading (tehnik shading untuk menyamarkan bagian-bagian wajah tertentu seperti membuat muka lebih tirus dll)
3.)Day and night look(tehnik pemakaian eyeshadow untuk riasan pada malam hari dan juga siang agar terlihat natural)
4.)Fake lashes(cara pemakaian bulu mata palsu)
5.)Larger eyes(cara membuat mata sipit agar terlihat lebih besar dengan/tanpa menggunakan scotch mata)
Duration: 2-3 hours
Available for home service:Only for jakarta and tangerang!
Makeup supplied by me :-)

For information please contact me at:
PIN: 23027777
Phone: 081280275032

Amelia Latief

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

PAC liquid foundation: All Day Coverage review!

Hello Beauty,
This is my second review post, and i wanna review about pac liquid foundation All day Coverage
and i think this is the only liquid foundation that made by pac.

the packaging is so simple, with a pump and a heavy glass bottle. the pump works well and you can works the amount of the foundation as you want.
left: C03 right:C04
i only have 2 shades of them, because there's only two shades that available in the store...it's hard to see the difference between this 2 shades. the beautycian told me that the C03 is much lighter than C04 and this is what the foundation colors look like

you can see the C03 has a pinkish tone and C04 is more yellowish so thats why C04 looks darker.
left: C03 right: C04

This foundation has a quite thick formula and give you a matte finish look. It gives a good coverage since it has a thick formula, and makes your face looks cakey a lil bit.
i dont recommend you to use this as a daily foundation since it's look unnatural for daily use.
i prever using a foundation which gives me a light-medium coverage for my daily use, but i wear this foundation for a special occasion.
this foundation has a little bit of powdery smell, which some people has some trouble with that smell but for me the smell is still forgiveable and not becoming a minus score from this foundation.

1.)Comes with a pump! (pump works well, love it!)
2.)Good coverage, it's cover all of the acnes and redness of my face and gives me a flawless finish.
3.)Blend easily, i only use finger to apply this foundation and my finger works well.
4.)Since it has a matte finish you dont have to powder it if you want too.
5.)Worth the price, it's around 100k and for the good coverage and the formula its a good deal.

1.)The glass bottle quite heavy
2.)Minimal shade(maybe there's another shades but i could only found these shades on the pac store)
3.)Too heavy for daily use
4.)Smells like powder(for some people)

And i think this is the perfect foundation if you look for the liquid foundation formula which gives you a matte flawless finish and a heavy coverage and dont have any problem with a smelly foundation.

Amelia Latief

Selasa, 11 September 2012


A little sneak peek of my work with 2 models and 2 photographers!

 beautiful Kanaya kay, 

 Beautiful Airha,

Working on Airha's face, (sorry for a dirty hand!)

Thanks To the photographers:
Yongky Andrew

PS: sorry for the bad resolution picture:p

Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Sneak-peek with my beautyshoot for jfw audition

doing a collaboration with my friend fitri hardi sukmawati
makeup themed= Smokey Eyes!
talent: Annisa and oliv

thanks for all crew and talent for helped me to make this beautyshoot
photgrapher:Edo oktariansyah and Iman Chuckie kurniawan

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

My zombie project-sneak peek


Before and After

2 zombies and 4 human

in one project


Edo Oktariansyah
Iman chuckie kurniawan
Wirawan Pandu

Makeup Artist:
Amelia Latief


Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

What is your skin tone color? warm or cold?

Hello beauty,
Today I will discuss about the skin tone color
know the color of ur skin tone is very important to choose a foundation color and powder even eyeshadow and lipstick that suitable for your skin tone!
because of the wrong color foundation can make our faces look like a vampire or it could be seen more dirty or dull than usual ... and that's not so cool

There are two types of skin tone, Warm and Cool

Warm tone is owned by someone who has a yellowish color, golden, and bronzy skin
and they usually look better with a gold jewelry than a silver one
and they are easily get a tanned skin without getting a sunburn
most of indonesian girls has a yellowish skin color

People who have a warm undertone must choose a foundation or powder that has a yellowish-based, as well as the powder

    Makeup color:
use warm colors for eyeshadow such as golden, bronzy brown, and use the coral-colored, Redish orange or peachy pink for the blush
when choosing a lip color, choose a lipstick that has a warm color shade
like nude brown, reddish orange, etc.

Cool toned is owned by someone who has a pink based on their skin, like a pink-ish white 
usually people who have a cool undertone is look better in a silver jewelry
and they are easily get a natural blush when the sun exposed their skin.
the right foundation shade for them is neutral and pink based.

   Makeup color:
use cool color for eyeshadow such as silver, magenta, white, blue. and pink or rosy color for the blush
when choosing a lip color, choose a pink based lipstick 
(you can even used a red lip color which has a pink or purple essence in it!)

the most important functions in knowing our skin tone color  is to found the perfect foundation color that is suitable for our skin
eyeshadow or blush color that is used by a person who holds a warm skin tone is not necessarily unsuitable for use by people who have a cool skin tone,
Just keep experiment with any kind of makeup color to found which is the best makeup look that suitable for ur self :))

Amelia Latief


hello beauty,
hari ini gue bakalan ngepost pake bahasa indonesia hehe, karena kayaknya sedikit ribet buat ngejelasin soal glossy look ini pake bahasa inggris

jadi tadi sempet ngeliat beberapa makeup tutorial di youtube dan tiba-tiba nemu sesuatu yang menurut gue janggal(sebenernya ga janggal, cuman baru tau aja...) hahaha
jadi gue nemu video makeup tutorial yang judulnya "how to make a glossy eyes look" 

dan setelah di tonton video barulah gue tau apa sebenernya glossy look itu, dan gue juga baru tau kalo ternyata bukan cuman bibir aja yang bagus memakai lipgloss ternyata mata juga 

jadi setelah gue google, ternyata glossy eyes look ini emang sering dipake sama model-model dalam beautyshoot dimajalah atau advertising buat suatu produk makeup,

mungkin kalian masih pada bingung soal glossy eyes look yang drtd gue bicarain, nah biar sedikit ada bayangan gue bakalan kasih beberapa foto yang modelnya make glossy look ini ;-D

nah seprti diatas itulah glossy eyes look yang drtd gue bicarakan hehehe :p
nah peran utama dalam pembuatan glossy eyes ini adalah LIP GLOSS! 
jadi setelah pengaplikasian eyeshadow baru deh timpa lipglos diatasnya, tapi tehniknya ga sama kaya pas kita ngaplikasiin lipgloss di bibir yaa hehe

jadi sekarang gue bakalan ngasih step by step untuk membuat glossy eyes look ini!
1.)pakai eye primer(untuk membuat eyeshadow lebih vibrant warnanya, karena lipgloss ini ngebuat warna eyeshadow menjadi lebih pudar)
2.)aplikasikan eyeshadow di mata
3.)bubuhkan maskara(lebih baik hindari pengaplikasian eyeliner)
4.)aplikasikan lipgloss dengan memakai jari atau kuas eyeshadow yang berbulu padat dengan cara tehnik ditekan atau pat(hindari mengoleskan lipgloss dengan gerakan menyapu, karena bakalan bikin eyeshadow yang sudah kita buat jadi berantakan)
5.)ratakan lipgloss dengan bantuan jari

1.)Pakailah lipgloss bening yang tidak mengandung shimmer dan mint
2.)glossy eyes look bukanlah riasan mata yang cocok untuk dipakai ke pesta atau untuk riasan sehari-hari 

Amelia Latief